

弓道具専門店 翠山 弓道具全般の取扱いをしてあります。お気軽にご来店下さい。
  • スポーツ用品
名古屋市営地下鉄名城線 矢場町駅 3番出口から徒歩6分
名古屋市営地下鉄名城線・東山線 栄駅 13番出口から徒歩10分
JR中央本線 鶴舞駅 から徒歩10分

以来 100年間弓道具専門店として、弓道具を扱い続けております。


- 日本武道 弓道 -


- 弓道具店としてのこだわり -

 現代においては弓道の普及に伴い、弓道の楽しみ方も人それぞれ様々な形に変化しており、その変化に応じた弓具が販売されております。特にスポーツ化する現代弓道において、”日本武道”の弓道具としては、あまり好ましくない配色や今風のデザイン弓具が頻繁に見られるようになりました。弓具の多様化は時代の流れでもありますが翠山は、”日本武道 弓道”をお伝えする立場にあるという弓道家としての判断で、 ”今風のデザイン弓具”の取り扱いはしておりません。本物志向であるがゆえの”こだわり”を品揃えという形にて表現させていただいております。
 弓道の専門店としての誇りと責任を持って、又、お客様から信頼していただける”弓道具商翠山”として、弓道において好ましい思われる弓道具のみをご提供させていただきます。弓道を始められる方、弓道を再開される方にとって”日本武道 弓道”の素晴らしさを、道具を通じてお伝えできればと考えております。弓道家としての経験と知識を活かし、又、自らが使い弓道の道具として適切であると判断した弓具のみ品揃えすることをお約束いたします。

- 弓道への想い -

どれだけ高価な道具を使おうとも、精神面を鍛えなければ道具の持つ本来の力を引き出すことはできず、本来の弓道の姿からは、 遠くなってしまいます。 もちろん手先の技量だけでは、的中に対しても継続することは難しく、いずれ悪くなってしまいます。

代表取締役 五代目 宇佐美七美
~Suizan's Mission~
We will pass on the very original Kyudo,
Kyudo equipment and Kyudo culture to all the Kyudo practitioners around the whole world.

■Japanese Martial Art History

Kyudo has developed and evolved from Japan’s traditional martial art and Japanese archery. In the Taisyo era, Japanese archery was renamed Kyudo.
The change of name to Kyudo is more than just altering the name. It is to convey the significance that the main goal of Kyudo is to achieve perfection as a human being. And it has to be done through spiritual and mental training while
integrating the traditional technique of war weapon and improving skill by repeatedly practicing.
In retrospect, it is no doubt that Japanese archery, as the head of 18 kinds of martial arts, was one every Samurai need to know as spiritual training and a path of inner self-development. As one of the most important ancient martial arts, Kyudo represents a symbol of Japan and Japanese culture. Kyudo equipment embodies all kinds of traditional Japanese cultures and plays a paramount role in Japanese martial arts. To virtuously pass on Kyudo, one of the valuable Japanese cultures, to the future generations through the course of Kyudo equipment business is the mission Suizan aim to accomplish. It is also the primary responsibility and the mission we as third generation of Kyudo practitioners have to carry out.

■The Objective of kyudo Equipment Specialty Store

While the modern Kyudo has been popularized and enjoyed by more and more people, the paradigm of Kyudo has been shifted gradually. In response to that paradigm shift and the market demand, all types of Kyudo equipments have emerged in the market. Especially in recent years, there is trend that not so pleasant color combination on Kyudo equipments have been spotted frequently in all kinds of Kyudo occasions. From the standpoint of Suizan, we are here to promote the core value and excellence of Kyudo. And along with our appraisal as experienced Kyudo practitioner, we do not compromised with or recommend any Kyudo equipments weighted too much on appearance or individual feature which lessen the dignity or level of Kyudo practitioners. Our goal is to apply professional experiences and our expertise in Kyudo culture to provide Kyudo equipments that genuinely demonstrate aesthetic aspect and authentic essence of Kyudo. As experienced Kyudo practitioner, we run this Kyudo equipment business with responsibility, pride, and an absolutely critical eye to supply Kyudo equipments that meet the requirements of Kyudo etiquette and Kyudo culture. We have a solid reputation with our customers and they do not only rely on us heavily but also trust our expertise. It is our belief that the best and simple way to appreciate the exquisiteness of Kyudo for beginners or people who resume practicing is to understand Kyudo equipment profoundly. We promise to share our long-term practicing and equipment using experience and to utilize accumulated wisdom and knowledge to assist our customers to obtain the most appropriate and suitable Kyudo equipments to meet our customers’needs.

■Idea towards Kyudo

Suizan was founded by Usami Matsutaro in 1903. His ideal, above and beyond running the Kyudo equipment business, is to learn and practice Kyudo, to undergo internal spiritual and mental training relentlessly. It is essential for us to have personal experience in using Kyudo equipment and training spiritually and mentally. By doing so, it allows us to fully comprehend and foresee customer’s needs and requirements. And at the same time, we have the obligation to make Kyudo equipment business play the role of conveying the precious Kyudo culture to the future generations. That is the ideal and the sense of mission that motivate and drive our family to continuously practicing Kyudo as a way of life and living nearly a century. Kyudo is a martial art far beyond profound. From daily practicing, we have learned and realized the spiritual aspect of Kyudo is indispensable and vital. The fact is that it is nothing to do with how expensive the Kyudo equipment one uses, it is down to the point whether the practitioner undergo both physically and mentally training to display and demonstrate the very original power and effect of that equipment. Not realizing this, one can be easily compromise and fail to stick to Kyudo principles and consequently far away from the core value of Kyudo. To use merely the force of fingers to shoot is certainly not encouraged, let alone to use that skill to practice will result in failure of hitting the target. Either one will lead to undesirable directions and encounter more difficulties and challenges. Because of having learned and experienced that phase of challenge and difficulties, we can absolutely understand those questions, frustrations, and self-doubt our customers face and confront. We, Suizan, are resolute to convey faithfully and precisely the core value of Kyudo and Kyudo culture to every Kyudo practitioner around the whole world. Our vision is to integrate the wisdom of ancients and modern knowledge for this long-established business to advance to ensure that our mission would be carried out until the next century.

Suizan Co.Ltd.
The fifth Representative President,Renshi rokudan Nanami Usami


スポット名 弓道具商翠山
TEL 052-241-3973
FAX 052-241-4007
住所 〒460-0008
HP http://suizan.co.jp
駐車場 なし